In-person Worship Services have resumed at 10:15am every Sunday. All other ministries have resumed in-person meetings.
Here are some COVID-19 precautions still in place:
1. Face masks may be worn to your personal comfort level
2. A hand sanitizer station is available
3. The only entrance is the Northside foyer doors
4. Sunday School for all ages has resumed. Nursery & Children's Church have resumed. Mask wearing is optional for your children. Children are also welcome to join you in church for the whole service. Activity bags are available for use during service.
For more info., please see the Ministries Tab
5. Offering will be via boxes at the back of the Sanctuary instead of passing plates
6. Regular communion has resumed on the first Sunday of each month
The service is livestreamed so if you prefer, you can join us in Worship from home:
Click here to watch a livestream of the Worship Service
(Remember - since this is a livestream it won't be available until 10:00am Sunday morning)
Past Worship Services are available to watch (or listen) under the "Messages" tab.