- In Person - drop your gift into the offering during service or bring it by the office
- Mail - Mail your gift to 222 Boulder Drive, Gallup, NM 87301
- Online - Give online through Planning Center (click on the green box below)
- Text - Once your online account is set up you can text 84321 to donate
- Recurring - Set-up recurring payments through your bank or your online account through the Planning Center website
Here is the "small print": Regardless of your giving method you can designate to different funds. Options 1&2 are free to the church. Option 5 is also free to the church if you set it up through your local bank or online bill pay service. For Option 3&4 Planning Center does charge a fee for this service. It will cost the church less to accept payments using an automatic bank transfer ($0.25 each) verses a credit or debit card (2.3% + $0.30/donation). Questions? Speak to one of the Elders for more information.